Fresh Green Garlic

Fresh Green Garlic

Subtle flavour
Fresh Green Garlic


Fresh Green Garlic is best stored in the fridge where it can retail it's freshness and not dry out so quickly. If your green garlic does dry out it's still fine to eat, it just won't be quite as juicy. Simply break the cloves which will now have started to form and use them as you would any other garlic.


We are proud to say that we brought Fresh Green Garlic to the UK supermarket shelves. This is a fantastic product and gives a whole new range of uses to the humble garlic bulb. Picked from the field before the bulbs have fully matured, the stems should be bright green with a white or purple tinged bulb, depending on variety. The stem can be sliced and added raw to salads to give a zingy garlic kick. The bulb is best wrapped in tin foil and roasted in the oven with a dash of olive oil. Once roasted, spread it on some crusty bread for the ultimate bruscetta! This year we are working with a new grower from the UK who's keen to make British Grown garlic a success.


Fresh Green GarlicFresh Green GarlicFresh Green Garlic


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